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An individual instance of Cornus florida (flowering dogwood)
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This is a small tree with a three-branched trunk in the northeast part of Magnolia Lawn.

Because of its showy, white "flowers" in spring, flowering dogwood is the most noticeable dogwood species.  The "petals" of the inflorescence are actually bracts and not a part of the flowers which are yellow and clustered in the center.  Other common dogwood species in this area do not have the showy white bracts.  The opposite leaves of dogwoods are distinctive with their parallel veins curving around to follow the leaf margins toward the pointed tip of the leaf.  The bark of dogwood is easily recognized year-round because of the small, round flakes that cover its surface.  The red fruits of dogwood are also noticeable in the fall and winter.

This very distinctive species is common in the wild throughout Tennessee.  It is one of the most popular native ornamental shrubs and is planted many places on Vanderbilt campus.  Usually flowering dogwood is seen as a shrub or small tree, but if you are lucky you can be surprised to find tree-sized specimens towering over your head in an undisturbed forest.

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This organism is a living specimen that is part of the  Vanderbilt University Arboretum  with the local identifier 1-635.

This particular organism is believed to have managedmeans of establishment.

This organismal entity has the scope: multicellular organism.


Cornus florida


sec. 1993

common name: flowering dogwood
family: Cornaceae
Identified 2014-09-11 by Steven J. Baskauf


east side of Magnolia Lawn, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Click on these geocoordinates to load a map showing the location: 36.14354°, -86.79795°
Coordinate uncertainty about: 10 m.

Location of individual determined from GIS database.

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whole tree (or vine) - general 1993 =

Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Flora of North America Association, New York, NY, US and Oxford, UK.

Metadata last modified: 2024-04-26T16:24:21.644-05:00
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