An individual instance of Quercus palustris (pin oak)
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This tree is just inside the Susan Gray Playground. A distinctive feature of pin oak is its leaves, which have a small number of narrow lobes that stick straight out from the centerline of the leaf. In their native habitat, pin oaks are wetland trees. However, they do well in cities and are therefore frequently planted as street trees. This particular tree is one of the largest pin oaks in the arboretum.
Susan Gray School playground, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US Click on these geocoordinates to load a map showing the location: 36.14384°, -86.799431°
Coordinate uncertainty about: 10 m.
Location determined from GIS database.
Occurrences were recorded for this particular organism on the following dates: 2018-03-27
Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Flora of North America Association, New York, NY, US and Oxford, UK.