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Illustrated key of oaks |
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NOTE: This key is primarily based on leaf characters. The typical "sun leaf" characters used in the key may not be as apparent in "shade leaves", therefore it is best to look at leaves in several parts of the tree. Leaves on immature trees also may not be typical for the species and it may not be possible to reliably identify those individuals.
1. Leaves unlobed and entire:
go to 2
1. Leaves lobed or coarsely toothed:
go to 3
2. Leaves relatively
wide (>2.5 cm), lower surface hairy:
2. Leaves relatively narrow (<2.5 cm),
lower surface not hairy or hairy along the midvein:
3. Leaves coarsely
toothed, without deep sinuses and lobes: go to 4
3. Leaves distinctly lobed, with deep
sinuses (grooves) between lobes: go to 7
Note: Characters of this group may
overlap. Examine all available features to decide among these four
4. Trees of dry slopes or mesic woods, lower surface of leaf may be hairy
but not velvety to the touch : go to 5
4. Trees of wetlands, lower surface of leaf velvety to
the touch between the veins : go to 6
Coarse teeth rounded, acorn > 2.5 cm long bark
deeply furrowed,:
montana (chestnut oak)
Coarse teeth gland tipped, acorn < 2.5 cm long, bark thin and flaky:
6. Leaf with fewer than 9 pairs of main veins,
some veins not ending in lobes, lobes may be
gland tipped, acorn with a long stem 2-7 cm long, bark dark, thick and furrowed:
bicolor (swamp white oak)
6. Leaf with 9 or more pairs of main veins, most veins ending in lobes, acorn with a short stem, bark light gray, thin
and flaky:
7. Lobes of leaves with rounded ends, not bristle-tipped:
go to 8
7. Lobes
of leaves pointed and bristle-tipped: go to 11
8. Leaf lobes forming a cross shape, leaves
leathery with surface covered with stellate (arranged in a star) hairs (use hand
(post oak)
8. Leaf lobes not forming a cross shape, leaves not leathery and without
stellate hairs on surface: go to 9
9. Leaf lobes and sinuses fairly uniform in length and size,
acorn less than half covered by a pebbly cap, bark thin and tending to form
irregular flakes:
9. Leaf lobes varying in size with sinuses sometimes deep
near the base of the leaf, acorn more than half covered by the cap, bark ridged
or with more regular flakes: go to 10
10. Leaf tending to have larger lobes near the tip,
large acorn with distinctively fringed cap:
macrocarpa (bur oak)
10. Leaf somewhat lyrate (similar to the shape of a dandelion leaf),
small acorn sometimes nearly completely covered by cap and without a distinctive
fringe, wetland tree:
Leaves broadly 3-lobed at apex, narrowing at base, bark dark and blocky,
tree of dry ridges:
marilandica (blackjack oak)
11. Leaves
distinctly pinnately lobed on at least some of the leaves: go
to 12
12. Leaf terminal lobe bent to one side
(falcate), base of leaf bell shaped:
12. Leaf terminal lobe not bent to one side, base of leaf angled rather
than rounded: go to 13
13. Leaf lobes relatively wide with
sinuses between lobes indenting less than half way to midrib, bark of mature
trees with characteristically broad flat-topped vertical ridges, buds small,
reddish, and sparsely hairy:
13. Leaf
lobes relatively narrow with sinuses between lobes indenting more that half way
to midrib, bark of mature trees may be ridged, but without
characteristically broad tops (Q. coccinea may have somewhat flattened
ridges), buds may or may not be hairy: go to 14
14. Terminal
large and covered entirely with thick blond hair (velutinous), lower leaf
surface with yellowish pubescence which may cover the entire surface or be
primarily in the vein axils:
14. Terminal buds without blond hair or hairy only on the upper
half, lower leaf surface without yellowish pubescence: go to 15
15. Terminal buds hairy on upper half, acorns with
concentric rings at tip, leaves may be bright red in fall, tree of dry uplands:
coccinea (scarlet oak)
15. Terminal buds not hairy, acorns without rings at tip, leaves not red
in fall, trees of lowlands or mesic forests: go to 16
16. Leaf lobes narrowing at tips, twigs without a waxy
gray covering, branches sticking straight out like the spokes of a wheel, tree
of wetlands but often planted as a street tree:
16. Leaf lobes widening at tips, sometimes forming circular sinuses,
twigs (and to some extent acorns) may have be covered with a waxy gray covering,
branches ascending, a tree of mesic forests: