An individual instance of Castanea dentata (American chestnut)
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multicellular organism.
Castanea dentata
(Marshall) Borkh.
sec. 1993
common name: American chestnut
family: Fagaceae
Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Sevier County, Tennessee, US
Click on these geocoordinates to load a map showing the location:
35.6805°, -83.47074°
Coordinate uncertainty about: 100 m.
Location determined from Google maps.
Occurrences were recorded for this particular organism on the following dates:
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bark - of a large tree | 1993 =
Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Flora of North America Association, New York, NY, US and Oxford, UK.